4 tips to identify the cause of Google SEO ranking drops

4 tips to identify the cause of Google SEO ranking drops

Vinitha December 25, 2017

Most websites would not SEO ranking from one point to another. It happens on your website penalization’s.  Normally, when major search engines like Google have recognized any form of algorithm ranking uses, so the website will get penalization. It means that website will loss SEO rankings.


The 4 Causes of SEO ranking drops

The loss of seo company in chennai rankings can be the result of a broad area of various things. The common points of websites ranking dropped and 4 types of penalties are listed below.

Manipulation of backlinks

If Google has identified that you are gaining excessive backlinks from low quality websites, you may be penalized. Also, if you are receive paid backlinks from your site, you will also be punished.  The penalization happens from Google’s Penguin algorithm.

Low quality or duplicate contents

Your website contains valuable information and quality contents that helps to gain visitors in your page. The visitors are also spend some more times on your website. It also increases your SEO rankings. If your website with low quality contents or duplicated contents, then your website will definitely penalized. The most important thing is your website should optimized seo company in chennai friendly. The page speed is also important for your SEO rankings.

Anchor text and keyword over optimization

Over optimization contains targeting some keywords with overly optimized targeting some select anchor keywords on backlinks. It makes to penalize your website by Google Penguin. Not only over optimization of anchor text and on-page keyword stuffing is also penalized. It may be an old spammy executions.

Google SERP fluctuations

It is important to know your website rankings and changes are normally going to happen, mostly if your website is new. If you have noticed in your website, please don’t afraid. The keyword position is changes day by day. Google are trying to choose the valuable websites that results in top of the search query.  If you are noticing that your website is losing rankings that Google trying to decide where your website listed in search engine.

How to combat and prevent the loss of SEO rankings

4 tips to identify the cause of Google SEO ranking drops

Here we will see about finding out why your rankings may have dropped.  We also see about some strategies that helps to rank higher than before.

Monitor Incoming Links

Links are important part of Google high rankings, your backlinks are monitored continuously. The website links are important for your search engine rankings, your backlinks should be monitored on continuously. Knowing that backlinks play a huge part in Google rankings.

Anchor Text Over Optimization

Google will penalizing your website with overly optimized for anchor texts. A spammy keyword based anchor text is been flag to Google. You must to keep your anchor text and increasing it in your inbound links. How to use anchor texts in your images or posted are given below with an example.Instead of placing “SEO marketing company” in every post, try using something different like “Companies that provide SEO marketing” or the best marketing SEO Companies, etc.

Google Manual Penalty Notice

If your website has been penalized by one of the Google’s algorithm like Panda or Penguin then you have to deciding the reason without SEO experts.

Google Algorithmic Penalty

Your SEO ranking drops as a result of an algorithmic change may be tough to decide in comparison with manual penalties. It happens that when you won’t get any notice regarding the penalization. The second point is, if you are trying to do SEO yourself without proper guidance, this will be happened. The algorithmic penalties are caused by over optimization or unwanted backlinks.


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